January 30, 2008

Wake Up Call's endorsement for President

While my endorsement may not be worth 50 Cent's , a couple of people did offer me a penny for my thoughts so I decided to put my 2 cents in. My endorsement is for the candidate who:

  • Is running on his record, a record that has not changed depending on whom he is talking to or what office he is seeking
  • Has set forth a plan and a vision rather than cliches and platitudes
  • Is not beholden to special interests
  • Has set forth specifics on the policies and programs she would implement and provided an honest evaluation of the costs and benefits
  • Has an agenda that is similar to my beliefs
  • Will not use his office for personal or political gain
  • Focuses on what she is rather than on what others are
  • Will enforce the laws of this country in a fair and equitable way and work to change those laws he deems unjust
  • Is honest

Please let me know when we have a candidate that comes close to meeting these qualifications and I will endorse that person. As long as we continue to support a system that provides a choice between "the lesser of two evils" as candidates we will get "two evils" as candidates. Anyway, who cares about presidential endorsements? I doubt that and 50 Cent will buy you a cup of coffee anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ervin Davis in "08!!!